OT2 – OT3

Occupational Trainings Valencia OT2 – OT3


Objective: To teach using the Simulated Practice Enterprise methodology

The Simulated Practice Enterprise is a methodological didactic strategy of “Learning by
Doing”. Its objectives are to:

  •  Promote the simultaneous and integrated development of functional competencies of
    organizational management (social, human and business) based on a methodological didactic
    simulation device that allows for, within the framework of formal education,
    contextualized and experiential knowledge.
  • Stimulate the responsible and autonomous development of the participant to become
    fluent in problem solving and decision-making in the event of unforeseen circumstances,
    incidents and conflicts produced by the dynamics of a company and its interactions with
    customers and suppliers.
  •  Develop a system that stays on top of current market developments and operations and
    adapts its contents to them, ensuring a seamless connection of the teaching-learning
    model with the local industry trends.
  •  Contribute to the occupational guidance of participants and the employability of
    unemployed through role-playing tests and specific tasks typical of the world of work.


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