30 students joined the occupational YEP MED digital training in Beirut
The Chamber of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, a key partner in the EU funded project, organized the occupational training programme in port logistics OT2-OT3 over two weeks within a simulated context. In fact, students throughout this training were allowed to practice international trade operations using a real-life Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform.
The students were split into groups in order to perform virtually the import export port logistics operations. The remarkable in this training, the high contribution of young women who took part actively in the training and showed interest into port logistics sector. This falls in line with the goals of the YEP MED project to increase women access to employment in the Mediterranean transport sector.
This course offered an introduction to port logistics and operations and then introduced the students to the port facilities through onsite visit of trainees, trainers accompanied by Eduard Rhodes, Director of ESCOLA, leader of the YEP MED project along with Marco Muci, Country Manager-Italy. Trainees gained accordingly the practical experience along with the global understanding of the port-logistic operations first-hand through the use of a newly designed virtual platform that simulates a real port community virtually including the payment methods and customs related entities.
The Simulated Practice Enterprise is a methodological application to enhance “Learning by Doing” and role playing through a digital lens which allows for further contextualized and experiential knowledge. The series of vocational and occupational trainings VT and OT implemented trainings will take up in Beirut throughout year 2022 and 2023 to optimize the employability of youth in port logistic sector.
Lena Tikijian –
YEP MED Occupational Trainee 2021 -Beirut
I would like to thank every single member who gave me the opportunity to know about the ERP System which I highly recommend to be applied in our country in the near future.
The system is very interesting, efficient, accurate & friendly.As for the training, the presentation & hands on activity was very helpful
and it allowed me to undergo the whole experience & practice on a personal
Mohamad Karim Khaled
YEP MED Occupational Trainee 2021 -Beirut
Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to explore the ERP
program.It is helpful to have someone who has had experience with similar issues on previous projects to offer guidance and direction. It was very useful and helpful discovering this very interesting Shipping program .
Also we shouldn’t forget the port visit ,It was also really interesting and great opportunity that not everyone can have .
All the presentations were amazing well organized and very professional. A big thank you to every person that contributed for the success of this amazing programme