Escola Europea in Port of Beirut within the OT2 OT3 training program
In the framework of the EU funded project YEP MED (Youth Employment in Ports of The Mediterranean), in which the Chamber of Beirut and Mount Lebanon is a key partner, a visit to the port of Beirut and Beirut Terminal Container took place yesterday. Director of ESCOLA Europea, lead partner of YEP MED project and Marco Muci, Country Manager of the project in Italy, participated to this visit with Lebanese trainees within the framework of the occupational training program OT2-OT3 that started on 16 November 2021.
The visit started by visiting the port facilities and the Beirut Container terminal (BCTC) where the team presented the diversified operations and services, namely: safety, planning, operations, trainings, and R & D. The team explored as well the practical measures they implemented in response to the Beirut blast to ensure the Container Terminal resumed operational status and safely. The presentations were followed by a sightsee of the BCT facilities: the yard, cranes, vessels, maintenance, operations room and other services. In line with YEP MED project objectives, channels of recruitment of the needed profiles and related skills of the operational staff were showcased and discussed between the Chamber and BCT teams.
The Yep MED project is led by ESCOLA Europea-Intermodal Transport along with partners from med port authorities and maritime training institutes from Italy, Spain, France, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Lebanon. The Chamber of Beirut is a key partner in the YEP MED project that aims to develop port-logistics training and vocational resources (TVET) adapted to sector needs to strengthen youth employability; increase and upgrade local employment opportunities through the creation of real dual-learning programs with job placements, strengthening the role of SME’s operating in the port ecosystems for future employment creation; and setting up collaborative national and transnational partnerships between port-logistics associations, operators, SMEs, training centers and VET providers, whilst introducing a PPP co-management process.